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Battery for Б, and choc ice cream for Э.
More things for Б: squirrel, bread loaf, red whortleberry, bananas, battery, card diamond, drum, lady bug, bomb, boomerang...
Snail for У.
Electric lamps and digger for Э.
Egg plant for Б.
Weird words.
Breakthrough. Б that actually looks like a sheep, and Э that looks like a choc ice pop.
И as an alien (though it lacks readability at this stage). Б as a squirrel (which here looks more like a fox). The balloon stands for the hyphen (in Russian the name is spelled БЭБИ-КЛУБ).
Moustache and ears for У and the almost-final squirrel. And the space ship hyphen makes the alien-looking И more readable.
A different moustache for У (ears eventually won over).
Clockwork squirrel, elderly alien electric squirrel, and loving alien clockwork squirrel.