Kindergarten Is Too Late by Masaru Ibuka

Overview   Process   Errata   Real life  

Task: to design the book.

Result: The first edition was sold out within one month. The ad from the book brought two new franchises to Baby Club.

Kindergarten Is Too Late by Masaru Ibuka was first published in Russian in 1991. It inspired certain people with ideas of early childhood development, who then founded Baby Club. Now it’s time to republish this book to reach as many parents as possible. In our studio we created the cover, drew illustrations, made the layout and prepared the book for printing.

baby club book cover
The book's title in Japanese encourages you to learn something new

Release date: November 29 2010


art director
secret advisor
project manager
Typeface: Fly
baby club book title
Title page

The illustrations portray great historical people as children.

baby club book pushkin
baby club book newtone
baby club book dali

The book is typeset to accommodate each finished thought in a separate text block.

baby club book 18 19
Pages 18—19
baby club book 212 213
Pages 212—213

Baby Club ads are placed on the flaps and do not interfere with reading. Upon finishing the book, parents are offered two options for the next step.

baby club book ad
baby club book compare
The first edition, the new edition, and the mobile version

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