Brain4Net interface mock-ups
The Brain4Net platform is designed for management of geographically distributed networks of large communication operators, banks, retail chains and energy companies. It helps set up physical and virtual network devices, analyze their operation and distribute resources among users with the help of a convenient interface whose mock-ups were developed at the studio.

Control panel blocks have several display modes based on their width.
Existing structure of the client’s network can be represented in three graphic formats.

Structure of complex services is shown graphically. When an administrator needs to add a function, they can chose its icon from the instrument panel and insert it using a visual constructor.

A set of standard graphic elements was created for use in the design of the system’s pages.

art director
designer and interface designer
project manager
- The studio wishes to thank Dmitry Zmeev, Anton Belov and Vadim Mirkushin for their help with the project.