Avito order pickup points

Avito has been on the market for fifteen years. In the spring of 2024, the company launched its own solution and software, which will allow existing multi-brand and mono-brand order pickup points to work directly with Avito Delivery. The studio ensured that the mono-brand pickup points working with Avito would stand out from all others and be instantly recognizable in the general lineup.

For each location, we developed zoning and designed functional and comfortable furniture. Upon entering, customers first encounter a branded area. The counter features a convenient shelf for bags and packages. The blue color of the countertops is taken from the Avito brand palette.

The fitting rooms are spacious and painted in a muted green color on the outside. For added convenience, a wide cabinet is installed inside. This provides space for the ordered items and a place to dispose of packaging: the cabinet includes a built-in trash bin.

Sales staff prepare packages for shipment at a special table, where prepared boxes, packing materials and tools are neatly arranged. There is also an opportunity to check received electronic devices, as the table is equipped with power outlets. Discarded packaging can be placed in a large trash container nearby.

The locations include waiting areas with soft chairs and a coffee point. Niches for coffee machines are painted in the brand’s signature purple shade.

For easy and convenient communication with customers, the order pickup points use wall screens, speech bubbles and information stands. All elements align with the Avito branding.

Main information carriers are highlighted with color, while the panels for accompanying messages are painted to match the walls. This color scheme ensures the comfort of visitors and subtly emphasizes the informal character of the setting, adding to the friendly atmosphere.

The exteriors of the order pickup points are also designed in a unified style, restrained and neat.

Mono-brand points connected to Avito Delivery are instantly recognizable on streets or in shopping centers thanks to wall, floor and hanging signage.

All the rules for designing exteriors, zoning interior spaces and interior design are collected in a detailed yet extremely clear and informative guide.

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