The making of the Autonomous Cars road sign
We receive the task to develop a sign for driverless cars: “We need a sign that could actually be placed on a road. The same sign may also be used to mark the cars themselves, similar to the existing Child and Ladies’ Shoe ones.”
Designers upload ideas into the studio’s Brain Storage.
The art director chooses the most promising one.
Developing the sign. Trying options with different location and number of the waves.
The art director suggests to develop the design with the waves in perspective.
Art director: The lines are weak and lack energy. This sign would have looked well in 1980.
Trying to draw the waves by hand instead of simply tracing a circle.
Still, looks like a horse on a spring.
Making some more effort to draw the waves freehand and also trying a couple of options without the perspective. Attempting to make the car look more modern.
Art director: Number 7 is getting close. Try to search for a better silhouette of the car and the headlights. Right now it looks like a crappy Soviet car.
Tracing various modern cars, looking at common features and drawing a neutral silhouette.
Art director: OK.
Trying the result on all the signs.