Autodoc website
Autodoc is the largest wholesale seller of automotive goods in Russia. A grandiose website has been created for the massive company in the studio.

The main feature of the company’s operation is that, first and foremost, car owners are asked for their vehicle information, and only after registration are the suitable products displayed to them.
Purchases are “pulled” from the warehouse by a robotic hand, demonstrating that everything happens in real time.
The same hand “takes” the completed order and sends it for fulfillment.

The website design has “grown” from the company’s logo.
Several derivatives have been added to the chosen graphic elements.
As a result, the components of the graphic language have transformed into interface details and accompanying graphics.

The website turned out to be bright and graphic.

The automotive online store consists of multiple catalogs and sections, each with its own operating principles. To unify them, a common visual representation is used on the pages.

The personal account page is a real control center. Drivers monitor the “journey” of their orders, the balance on the account and other indicators from there.

A convenient shopping cart helps navigate the variety of products and provides timely guidance on the way to placing an order.