FC Amkal uniforms design

Amkal is an amateur football club from Moscow that participates in the Media Football League, Moscow Celebrity Cup and the Russian Cup. We designed a daring uniform for the team.

amakal hero 2

At the core of the concept are dynamic stripes that showcase the club’s logo in a new light and develop the brand as a whole. Stylish calligraphy contains inside jokes of the team.

amakal home kit
amkal away kit
amkal gk kit

The design is not limited to graphics. For maximum player comfort, the uniform is made from the finest sports textiles and perforated with a pattern created in the studio.

amakal numbers on kits

The goalkeeper is a crucial member of the team. Their kit is complemented with reinforced rough fabric on the sleeves and special silicone inserts on the chest for perfect ball grip.

amakal gk kit

The philosophy and style of the club are developed in individual details.

amakal collar

Even the club tags created by the fan community found their place on the kit in the form of delicate calligraphy.

amakal lettering

Player names and numbers are written in the dynamic Beast typeface. The face’s variety allows to highlight the individuality of each player.

art director


technical designer

project manager

account manager

  • The studio wishes to thank PARI betting company for their help with the project
Made in 47 days