Alfa Mobile iPhone app (concept)

The Alfa Mobile application allows clients of Alfa Bank to manage their accounts and cards, transfer money, pay for services, get currency exchange rates and find closest branches and ATMs. A concept reflecting all features of a mobile bank and offering new graphic, functional and dynamic solutions was created at the studio.
My bank
The main section of the application is implemented as a constructor where users can choose elements and functions they need the most.
The main screen contains widgets with the most important information.

Widget settings can be used to change their content, number and order on screen.

The application provides timely notifications about incoming transfers, new bills and other updates.

Transaction history
All payments and transfers made in the bank are saved in a special section. A simple search and a set of filters make the long list of transactions easily manageable.

Tags and categories can be assigned to each expense to make keeping track of them easier.

Details of each transaction are available on a separate screen. If needed, transactions can be duplicated, renamed or sorted into groups.

Various graphs make it easy to see which part of the budget was spent on what this month and understand how spending changed compared to previous periods.

Payments and transfers
When paying for utilities, users only need to enter their account number once. The number will be saved in the application and all subsequent payments will only require entering and verifying the payment amount.

If money is often transfered to a different card, its details can also be saved in the application.

Templates can help make recurring payments even faster.

Cards and accounts
Accounts and associated cards are presented in two lists that can be switched using tabs. The bottom menu is used to quickly bring up transaction history.

The interface provides instant access to all account actions such as viewing statements or account details.

Cardholders can set the withdrawal limit individually for each card and control their spending.

Transfers between own accounts
The account list allows to quickly transfer money between accounts in a clear and beautiful way.

Various graphs make it easy to see which part of the budget was spent on what this month and understand how spending changed compared to previous periods.
Transfers between own accounts
The account list allows to quickly transfer money between accounts in a clear and beautiful way.

Before login
Some of the functions such as finding the nearest ATM or checking currency exchange rates are available without logging into the application.