Pyaterochka café

Inside many Pyaterochka stores there are separate café zones with ready-to-eat food, freshly baked goods and hot drinks. Their design is poorly distinguished from the rest of the interior and because of this, visitors usually pass by without paying attention to interesting offers.

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We came up with an idea of what the café zone should look like, so that guests could orient themselves quickly and more eagerly come in for a snack.

The ready-to-eat and bakery areas are connected with the café into one big zone: the recognizable pattern is transformed and with its arrows directs customers to the source of appetizing smells, visually uniting important parts of the interior.

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The new pattern has become a new visual element of the café. It has found its place on branded media, creating an image of the direction to delicious promotions and has become interior decoration in the form of metal grille, adding coziness.

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The pattern goes beyond the walls and covers a variety of media, such as tableware and advertising brochures. It is a full-fledged communication element that highlights promotions and discounts.

artistic director

art director



project manager

Made in 13 days
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