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Tutor website

Task: to design an educational website.
assembled and populated by the client

Tutor is an educational website with various areas available for study. The website is divided into four equally important sections: for studying English, for preparing for the state examination and applying to universities, for improving work qualifications and for passing university exams.

Everything on the website is simple, clear and encourages studying. For example, messages on the personal account page look like they came from a messaging app.

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Messaging teachers is not at all scary

Making voice or video calls to teachers is also easy and convenient. Reminders for upcoming tests and exams can be added in one click.

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Progress is easy to see.

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A special section is used to check homework. Interactive practices, quizzes and games encourage self studying.

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The website is equally convenient for teachers as it is for students. The personal account page contains all work-related statistics: the number of students, lesson schedule, total money earned.

It’s easy to see which courses people liked the most.

Each section has its own main page that introduces services and teachers.

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Tutor is proud of its teachers and carefully checks their qualifications before allowing them to register. Each teacher has their own page with information on education and teaching methods as well as student reviews.

The best ones earn awards which help them stand out.

Pleasant illustrations add life to the website.

The website works perfectly on mobile devices making it easy to study in a traffic jam, in a café, on a bus or pretty much anywhere.

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Made in 365 days
See also