TPS Real Estate shopping center storefront installations
Some of the stores in Oceania and Khorosho! shopping centers have not found their tenants yet. To make sure vacant spaces don’t look cold and desolate, a series of unusual installations for empty storefronts was developed at the studio.
The bright color splash hints that the perfectly white room can easily become a clothes store
At the center of the installations are expressive compositions with mannequins. The unusual stories look great among other stores and attract the attention of shoppers.
Matte glass, mystical lighting and streaming fabric blown by fans submerge the mannequins into the underwater world of Oceania
Blinds with a print create an impressive effect: visitors approaching from the left see a different image than those approaching from the right. The composition in the storefront ties the two images together.
Balloons combined with elements of TPS corporate identity turn the opening of a shopping center into a bright and happy holiday.
Mirrored rear wall of the storefront allows to use half as many balloons
Fake storefronts are also needed during store renovations. The custom developed techniques allow to create placeholders easily and cheaply.