State Lottery Outcome Betting project logo

• OverviewProcess
to create a logo for a betting service.

In State Lottery Outcome Betting project winning combinations match outcomes of state lotteries and the players make bets with terminals or on betting companies’ websites. A logo reflecting the connection of the game with state lotteries was created at the studio.

sigl logo

Primary version

At the center of the logo is the figure of a person celebrating a win by happily throwing a ticket, a symbol familiar to Stoloto players. The contour surrounding the figure resembles the first letter of the project’s Russian name and a horseshoe, a talisman of good luck.

Several versions of the logo for use on different media were created at the studio.

sigl signboard

Horizontal version

Rules for the use of the logo, corporate colors and typefaces as well as guidelines for designing store entrances are presented in the guide book.

sigl logo bb

Corporate typeface

Entrance design

sigl boy

art director


designer and typesetter

type designer

project manager