Kaspi online banking templates

Overview   Process   Prototype  

Task: to simplify online banking and extend the sales reach.

Kaspi Bank is one of the major retail banks in Kazakhstan and number eight in assets in the Republic’s bank system. Upon acquiring its own IT-infrastructure, Kaspi faced a need for developing an online banking interface and website templates.

kaspi authorization desktop
kaspi authorization ipad
kaspi authorization iphone
Login/Register form for returning customers and newcomers

People of Kazakhstan got a new fee-free system for bill paying, accessible for anyone willing to register online without even opening a bank account.

kaspi wallet desktop
kaspi wallet ipad
kaspi wallet iphone
Payments console

One of the service’s special features is an online store, offering products and services from the bank and its partners. Based on your account status, the bank can offer you special deals.

kaspi shop desktop
kaspi shop ipad
kaspi shop iphone
It’s clear what to spend your money on

Release date: July 02 2012


artistic director
art director
technical designers
beta tester
project managers
The studio wants to thank Oleg Savenkov and Alexander Serebryakov for collaboration on this project

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