Klinkopis typeface

Overview   Process  

Problem. Create a script based on Yana Klink’s handwriting.

Yana Klink is our illustrator, whose works are often accompanied by lines of fancy text written in her own recognizable manner with long strokes and “beauty spots.” Once we needed to apply that style to a number of pieces of text, we decided to design a decorative script called Klinkopis. It comes in one weight (regular).

Text set in Klinkopis looks best when arranged in waves, like the original. It is recommended to use large sizes—from 24 pt and up—and have no more than just a couple of lines that become an essential part of the artwork.

Font use example

Klinkopis is designed to use OpenType Contextual Alternates.

Alternates samples

To beautify your project even further, some characters can be manually replaced with their more intricate or plainer variations depending on the neighboring letters. Klinkopis features long descenders and ascenders, which requires large leading to avoid congestion.

I want to be yours


Online price:  35.77  $
  ≈ 33  €
  ≈ 2999  руб.

Release date: May 17 2008


art director

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