Stoloto quick games interface

Overview   Process  

Task: to create a single interface for three lotteries.

Under the Federal Law “On Lotteries” lottery draws are to be held no more often than every fifteen minutes. The draws for Stoloto quick games are held every half hour. To make sure the excited players have to wait less, a single interface was created that combines three games whose draws are staggered in time.

stoloto fast games keno
stoloto fast games top3
stoloto fast games rapido
Winners of Keno-Sportloto, Top-3 and Rapido are determined successively
fast games circle 01
The player can choose to play random, even, odd numbers or multiples of 5 or 7
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The number of tickets purchased for each game is shown on its tab
fast games circle 03
The statistics section displays the results of previous draws as well as the most and least winning numbers
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The table on the right reminds of all bets made today

As soon as the draw starts, winning numbers start to appear on a popup window. All the players have to do is carefully watch for matches and celebrate their victory.

stoloto fast games translation
Lucky numbers

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