Shopping cart   Search   App  

1.0   2.0 shopping app for iPhone and Android

Overview   Process  

[This work is in the museum]

Task: To develop a convenient mobile shopping interface.

Up to the end of 2010 Ozon iPhone app was rarely seen and poorly advertised. It was the time to do something differently. In our studio we’ve developed two new interfaces for the top mobile platforms—iPhone and Android. Each version has its own set of guidelines.

ozon 1
We kept in mind the way to interact with and the peculiars of each platform

Tools panel got the new Save For Later button. Use it for the items you like to buy another time.

You can narrow your search by specifying the area to look in. When the desired item is found put it in the cart or save for later.

ozon 2
Two possible item statuses

Each platform sports its own app icon: iPhone option is standardized, while Android one is more open.

More updates to come.

Release date: December 17 2010


art director
designer and interface developer
interface developer
iPhone programmer
Android programmer
project manager

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