Mega for Business website

Overview   Process  

Task: to turn a large section into an independent website.

The website is created for everybody who goes to Mega for work, not recreation. Tenants, advertisers, contractors, landowners, journalists and job seekers visit the website to find information about the activities of Mega all across Russia.

mega b2b main
It all starts by choosing a city

On the About Company page the regular statistics on performance of shopping centers is presented in the form of detailed illustrations that are pleasant to view.

Release date: March 06 2015


art director
beta tester
content managers
project managers
The studio wishes to thank Olga Chernysh, Galina Zubik and Oksana Nizhgorodova for their assistance with the project
mega b2b company
Curious numbers

In the careers block every department of the company has its own floor.

mega b2b switcher 0
mega b2b switcher 1
mega b2b switcher 2
mega b2b switcher 3
mega b2b switcher 4
People on the website work in administration, operational management, marketing, development of shopping center concepts, personnel management
mega b2b party
An important meeting at Mega

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