Visual identity for Kuresh Martial Art Crimean Federation

Overview   Process  

Task: to build a visual identity.

Kuresh is a classic martial art with a Crimean Tatar twist. Opponents’ uniform features long sashes for the goal is to grab your partner by his sash and throw him on his back. The Kuresh Associaion was founded in 2010, its visual identity designed in the studio.

kuresh logo
The sashes whirl up in a wrestle

The logo stands for the partners’ equality and pursuit of victory.

kuresh logo bw
Black and white logo version

A forty-page style guide contains rules on the use of the logo, corporate typeface, colors and patterns, instructions on creating different documents, and recommendations for designing flags, pins, and medals.

Release date: November 19 2012


art director
type designer
project manager
kuresh docs
Corporate stationery

kuresh brandbook
The style guide pages on corporate colors and patterns

kuresh medal
For the winner

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