Oh My Blog by Artemy Lebedev

Overview   Process  

Task: to publish a LiveJournal blog offline.

Artemy Lebedev (Tema) has been blogging since 2006. Apart from personal statements and everyday stories, the blog became a collection of opinions about design and organization of everything, from household items to cities and countries, as well as reactions to various events, facts, products and people. For the convenience and pleasure of readers, 567 most interesting posts were selected and published as a beautiful book weighing 1,5 kg (3 lbs).

blozhe moy cover
The cover is decorated with soft and fluffy letters Ж

The edition is addressed to a wide range of readers who are interested in everything.

I want to be yours

Oh My Blog (In Russian)

Online price:  11.38  $
  ≈ 10  €
  ≈ 999  руб.

Release date: June 25 2015


art director
chief typesetter
chief editor
production manager

528 pages
Press run: 3000
Dimensions: 194×290 mm (7,6″×11,4″)
ISBN 978-5-98062-096-7

blozhe moy title
Title opening


This blog is a platform for actions aimed at the incitement of adoration or friendship as well as elevation of dignity of a person or a group of persons on the basis of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as affiliation to any social group, committed in public.»

The linear and continuous layout of the book reminds of scrolling an endless blog and invites to start reading from any page. Using the ribbon in the color of a visited link is a pleasure in its own right.

blozhe moy 16 17
Pages 16–17
blozhe moy 40 41
Pages 40–41
blozhe moy 108 109
Pages 108–109
blozhe moy 262 263
Pages 262–263
blozhe moy 298 299
Pages 298–299
blozhe moy 314 315
Pages 314–315
blozhe moy 482 483
Pages 482–483

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