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Website of International Moscow Bank

[The work is in the museum]

The website features complete information on the bank’s operations. There is a detailed description of services the bank offers to three target groups: private customers, corporate customers and correspondent banks. Schemes, tariffs, standard document forms are attached to the descriptions. The website also contains detailed information on the bank’s activities: the history of its establishment, stockholders and management, financial performance, rating positions, bank account information and other data.

The design of International Moscow Bank’s new website is simple and elegant exactly to the extent the design of a good banking site should be. The outlines of the bank’s headquarters on the Prechistenskaya embankment in Moscow illustrate the main page

Roadmaps indicating the exact location and working hours were drawn for all of the bank’s branches, regional offices and ATMs.

The bank’s private customers can use deposit and credit calculators on the website.

Corporate customers may be interested in an archive of letters of instruction on currency control: these letters are prepared by the bank’s specialists to explain to customers some laws and provisions about currency regulation. There’s also a search option for documents by the date, the number of the law and key words.

Release date: March 12 2003


art director
technical designers

Art. Lebedev Studio would like to thank Irina Sazonova and Sergey Levsky (International Moscow Bank) for their help in creating the website

Art. Lebedev Studio proprietary technologies:
  • Parser 3
  • Imprimatur
  • Typeface: Forward

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