Oksana Grivina

As a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a car mechanic. Perhaps I should have become one, too. I learned to write in short-hand once, and have been seeking harmony in life ever since.

I like faces very much. I love watching, drawing, photographing them. Working on a character, I tend to adopt his mimics, so it must be fun watching me.

Souls of the Tomato Stems
Best Girl in the USSR
Little Man
Civil War Heroes
Molecules Riding a Tandem
Alice in Businessland
Smile Institute
Office Yoga
Bank Acquisition
Gogol Means the World to Us
Newton and Berocca
Archimedes and Berocca
Mendeleyev and Berocca
Happy New Year!
Heart as a Gift
They Want to Slaughter Me
Glove poster
Consumer Society
Russian TV Series 2
Russian TV Series 1
Human Resource Management
Back to School
I Am Lunokhod-1
CES map
London tourist guide cover
Okay Now, Be Happy!
Personal Motto
Baby Teeth
Chinese Horoscope
Castle Portraits. Family
Technical Analysis
Basket of Goods

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