The making of the Hedonism corporate identity

Overview   Process   Real life  

Our first assignment is to read a preface from Robert Parker’s book to clarify the use of the term “hedonism.” Next, to design a logo which, among other virtues, would have a one of making a new store look good. Chichvarkin gave us a tour along wine stores in downtown London, explaining what’s wrong with them.

Starting by drawing a lady enjoying some grapes. Exploring different settings and perspectives.

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The last one is ok. But she needs bigger tits. Bigger yet.

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No, keep searching for the woman.

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Too revealing.

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Working on the text portion.

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This’s the right direction to move

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Balancing the text to the image proportions.

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Challenging the composition.

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A vertical, matryoshka-style arrangement popped up—checking its potential.

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Meanwhile trying out a horizontal group.

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And, just to top it off, a diagonal composition.

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Horizontal matryoshka does not really rock. Diagonal option is not a straight shot either. But the exercise brought in a fresh wave idea.

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Throwing in some envelopes layouts.

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And business cards.

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Abbreviated logo.

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Print-outs revealed a necessity for a simplified version of the logo for everything except large-scale jobs. That’s how two main logos were approved: fine detailed and basic.

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Attempting to introduce new color-schemes. Painting the dress.

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“Sanding” that matryoshka some more.

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Adding new color.

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Designing store sun shades.

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Store entrance plate.

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