Beeline Cloud PBX service interface

Overview   Process  

Task: to create layouts for a web service.

Cloud PBX is a special service for Beeline corporate customers who want to quickly organize a telephone network in their office and avoid purchasing expensive equipment. Layouts of a special dashboard were created at the studio allowing the administrator in charge of telephony at the organization to combine mobile numbers of employees into a virtual PBX, set up a single landline number with voice greeting and menu and set rules for routing of incoming calls between call centers, staff groups, fax machines and conferences.

beeline pbx main
Call handling rules and enabled services are displayed on main page

Release date: September 18 2015


art director
interface designer
technical designer
project manager

From Beeline:

interface designer
project managers
The studio wishes to thank Roman Rabochiy for his help with the project

Cloud PBX can be customized to the needs of any organization. For example, calls coming to a single multi-channel number can be easily forwarded to a voice menu where they will be distributed between company departments.

Simple configuration of a complex service

Using user account pages the administrator can set up individual restrictions while employees can change their availability and enable call forwarding with black and white lists.

beeline pbx number
Personal statistics and a list of enabled services

Any rule or restriction can be associated with the work schedule of the organization, allowing, for example, restricting outgoing calls of employees during work hours or forwarding incoming calls to the answering system on weekends.

beeline pbx settings
Schedule configuration

In case the company outgrows the services included in the current package, the administrator can simply visit the package comparison page, evaluate the features and choose another set of services.

beeline pbx bundles
Key features

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