Official “Match of the New Century” website

[The work is in the museum]

Russian team vs the World tournament to take place 8–11 September in the State Kremlin Palace featuring Viswanathan Anand, Garry Kasparov, Peter Leko, Vladimir Kramnik, Nigel Short, Anatoly Karpov, Judit Polgar, Yevgeny Bareev, Teimur Rajabov and other great chess players.

The site employs the chess board pattern.

Visitors to the website can learn about the Match of the New Century and read the history of chess competitions. The server also allows to follow the tournament online.

Ordered by Alfa Bank.

Release date: September 02 2002


art director
technical designer

Art. Lebedev Studio would like to thank the “64” magazine staff and A. Roshal and V. Dvorkovich personally.

Belgrad 1970 and London 1984 sections use images borrowed from:

  • “USSR World Team” edited by T. Petrosyan and A. Matanovich, Yugoslavia, 1970;
  • “Match of the Century” by M. Yudovich. M.: Fizkultura i Sport, 1971;
  • Raymond Keene, David Goodman, John Groser “Docklands Encounter. USSR vs The World”, New-York, 1984.

Art. Lebedev Studio proprietary technologies:

Typeface: Formalist

Only legal software was used in this project

Website operated under Linux using Apache

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